Saturday, June 26, 2010



把那似山的 individual 功課 給在死期前完成.
但願一切順利. ;)
wow. 熬夜的日子,實在不好受
我的黑眼圈 已到達很嚴重的 high contrast.

大學生涯. 沒那麼簡單.
那些功課一波未完又一波. 要命.
college 裡還真的滿城風雨. 忍聲吞氣中. be peace.

已經好久 好久 好久
沒有 瘋狂雪拼買衣服鞋子包包. 沒有游泳唱k跳舞拍照爬山盪鞦千...
好久沒有看到那班 姐妹淘. 沒時間跟她們 吃飯喝茶吹水談心自拍.
好久沒跟家人 回我的二個家了。 有些想念怡保的景呢.
更加久 沒托著行李包,搭飛機去旅行了.

沒時間. 我沒時間。

開心都來不及呢. 每天上下college的路程西北塞車.
城市人的生活, 沒辦法活得不充實.

但,偶爾 mr.low 沒有任務沒工作時候 哈哈
我們可以從 pyramid 徘徊吃飯看戲逛街
逛到 pavilion 再從 basement 逛逛逛到rooftop 然後再逛逛逛
逛到 petaling street. 又來吃吃喝喝又吃吃喝喝. 這小倆口. 很勁吧?
生活简单无欲无求 來得比一切還浪漫幸福快樂.


前天.跑去剪了一頭 短髮suprised 了大家.
byebye, 20cm飄逸的長髮。
老媽,碎碎念了我整天. 只因, 她不捨我留了多年的髮絲.
那男人更糟. 他愛我頭髮多過我. 悲.
hello. 沒有了長髮 我也還可以很性感 okayy. 笑.


今晚, 我可以不要一個人吃晚餐嗎?

Saturday, June 19, 2010

you're just too good to be true.

heart attacked x10

thankiu very very very very much.
this pot of pink roses very very very suprised me.
" i would give you my heart until the end of time..."
i ♥ u

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Do visit this :

he is the man who brought the couples to the next chapter of life with his professional captured skills.
the every single shoot of the photo it remain every diffrent feeling. each artwork has it own way of evolving. pieces of photos speak rather than a million of words. the wedding's photographer blogspot. support. (:

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Life is gone with just a spin of the wheel. it's june now.

The wishlists of mine for the first half of this year of is almost 7788 sucessfully, happily done.
i wished for what i want. great satisfied with what i've demand. very good. (:

The continue half year more from now on and i'm going to says byebye to my teenager life's. bye bye my nineteen.
i'd work real hard for now. i want a better life in future. It's not how many years are in your life, it's how much lifetime is in those years.

You will not know about my stress time yo peoples. (:

anyway. i'm still alive! i don't waste time thou i'm still freaking young. go go ahead for dreams.

the past is behind learn from it
the future is ahead prepare for it
the present is here please, live it.

For every minute you are wasting emoshit, you lose the 60seconds of great happiness.
Avoid being stupidity. chaos.

Monday, June 14, 2010

你的生活 總是好忙好忙 .
那件白色裙子. 我好愛好愛
小驚喜. (:

Thursday, June 10, 2010


p/s : 父親節將至. (:

太陽心情 很好 的那天
假假帶著我小小的 canon.
再憑著我假假的 skill.
跑去玩了玩 攝影. 假假的玩.
因為 壓力實在有點大. 哈哈.
可, mr.low 還 假假的讚了我一下.
朋友們也來 相簿假假 like 了一下.

其實,被認同的感覺 還不賴.

好愛 你牽著我 去這裡 和 那裡.
好愛 你對著 每件事物的責任心.
好愛 你會不斷的為我計劃 將來.

喜歡聽你說, 你愛我.

Friday, June 04, 2010


model : 李欣瞳
天真無邪得........ 好可愛.

這男人不懂用什麼騙她... 瞳瞳兒就是愛被他抱著。 嘿, 那我呢?

這模豆好霸道...哈!你, 就是一直要追著跑著趴著 來拍她. 挑戰性高。




Wednesday, June 02, 2010

pretty june

hello peeps !

nice to meet you! this is Prue and Domokun and Domokun's baby.
ehhh.! domo is not a cheap toys kayyyy.... kanasai expensive.
and you know what. i'd realised that my money$ can speak recently!
it always says " bye bye... " to me. ugh!

college life = lack of money. poor shit!

kadang-kadang, saya suka camwhore sikit.

save me anyone? Stressed.
the assignments of mine banyak macam bukit. die hard.

Stressed is just back forward of Desserts.

and yeaa its, beautiful june arrived. triple die hard hard.
exam its just the another 2months later. hell.
by the ways, this week is gud! got lotsa public holidays.

ohh yea! vacancy, i need a english tutor for my assignment. with high gaw gaw commision lai.... ugh!
what the hell with the marketing, business idiot shit thingy. ugh! ugh! ugh!

fuuuuuuuuu.. assignment! o0o

recent favourite song.
My lengzai Mr. Low is a vy great sharing people.
this is what he intro to me. fuiyohh nice yet artistic's MV. icibang!
nice one! go go switch off my blog's songs and watch out yo guys (:

Part 1 :

Part 2 :

Claps hand to the Halo's Musical. (:
don't you feel the main character aka photographer is so so handsome.? hahah.
i got an awesome-photographer-boyfwen too. *laugh loud loud+shy*

enjoy your stay. chaos (: