Wednesday, March 31, 2010


不長不短 的那 三個月。

來, 我告訴你 .... 真的真的學了很多東西。
這一行, 哈! 除了工錢高. 口才要好 ..........
會做人比會做事還要重要 (:

Says goodbye, Focus Point Shah Alam City Centre.
Says goodbye, The lovely Colleagues of mine.

Goodbye my very formal uniform,
Goodbye my 8.54793cm black high-heel,
Goodbye the SACC's mates those deejays, u guys are fun!

Goodbye ...........................................

i will never forgot the moment when with you gurls!
the moment when i upset, you all being supportive.
i will miss the moment you all teaching me the every new stuff,
i learn alots.
the moment when we gossips.
it's fun.
the moment when we shopping, ktv, eat. awwww..www.
it's the most memorable.


誰說跟女同事會難相處難? 我 x1000 愛她們!

Manager 的鼓勵, 我不會忘記. 感恩。你最疼我.
Yasmin 你那眼角的 淚, 我永遠懷念. 謝謝關照了。

魚, 來 .............. 我 依然會是你 的 best listener. 加油.
姬,你永遠是我最好的 backup. 我愛死你! 答應噢你我會乖.
莎,加油! 你也可以很好哦。 拼吧!

“ This shall be the best memories, best journey of my sweet nineteen. i will remember it.
Demi kejayaanku demi studies-ku, aku harus pergi... call me always kayyy!! "

慘了. 我的淚 在打滾....emo shit.

多不想 say goodbye. T_T

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