Sunday, November 18, 2012


The things you see is not the thing that you think.

Tomorrow, 1 shot - 3 pappers - 6 questions - 3hours - semi final - wtfthisissostress
I must alive and play even hard after all. thankyou and blessed me.
Time, could you please stop for a little while  :(

Friday, October 26, 2012


in one day //

尤其是女人 强悍的阅历逐渐沉淀了自己的气质

心情都花了  .

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Big girl

13 hours sitting infront of my office table.

- stressed
- contact lenses dried
- i only had my 1 meal for the entire day

Likelihood, this is my life for now.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

trouble is my foe

Should you need any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me ...

很想说 其实我是万分的讨厌以上这几个英文词 . 无奈

我的责任 偶尔就是
有 麻 烦 处 理 麻 烦
没有麻烦 帮人家处理麻烦
帮了人家处理麻烦 还要左右为难

然而小犯了点什么错  够力
我不禁会十分内疚 然后好像还会 败了什么似的

my brain database overloaded
i need some space //  to breathe


然后 好像通通人 病了一场 终于轮到我
不舒服  不舒服  不舒服
我 很 不 舒 服

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


有 时 候


生活会更丰富 心情会更明亮


没必要 比较谁的压力比谁重
相信自己 . 相信自己和别人不一样

Friday, September 14, 2012

Blue Mansion

For the very first time I'm so proud of being a Hakka-ian. Lol.
Together with the work team, we headed to this place at Penang for a visit or I can say, for a overnight stayed. Purposed is to work, for a wedding portraiture here. As this is my first visit to this place, malaysia is a pretty cool place as you can get to know so much of different heritage / antique thingy. it's simply nice and fabulous. You may curious for the stories at the back for this location, but let me tell you I've did a googled about it. Aha! Here comes I would sharing to you some awesome story regards to this beautiful old place  ___  

The place of historic interest in Penang. 

" The Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion was built over a period of seven year between 1897 and 1904. It was one of the many houses belonging to Cheong Fatt Tze (1840-1916), also known locally as Teow Thiaw Siat, a Chinese of Hakka descent. 

But of all these properties, this mansion was his favourite residence. All eight of his sons were raised here and received a Western education at the St Xavier's Institution nearby. The house was also the home for his wives No. 3, 6 and 7.

A Chinese Mandarin of the highest order, a Consul General of the Qing Government, Special Trade Commissioner for South East Asia and a director of China's first modern bank and first railway, Cheong's death was acknowledged with flags flown at half-mast by Dutch and British Colonial Governments of the region. 

The mansion complex consists of 38 rooms, 5 courtyards, 7 staircases and 220 windows which contained stained glass imported from Staffordshire, England, Venetian shutters, Gothic timberworks and Victorian cast ironworks together with gold-leafed timber lattice work and Chinese ceramic decorations on roofs, gables and verandahs. "

Today, it's a boutique hotel.

- Address: 14 leith street, 10200 penang, malaysia
- Website:

Moments of my photos gives the talk here : 

The Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion

you may have to check-in here to collect your room key.


the living room 

the downstairs 


the something i think it's special 

the ancestors perhaps

we did our breakfast here . it's a dining hall for them i think

stairs up . vintage

as the hotel room look liked . room named " the hakka "

the family pic . the memories

the visitors x-y-z . myself
I'd hope you enjoy my recent quick post. chaos peeps.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012




Saturday, June 09, 2012




但我还好 最起码在黑暗街头里 我还有自我保护的能力


Thursday, May 10, 2012


怎么     忙-不-完-啊?

最近 好多好巧妙的事情
好多的好巧  缘分这回事情
叫人 不得不去相信


.  为我国一份子一块参与非常有意义的 428 黄色群队
.  连一截二 的都有小交集到的友善 client
.  年龄差距虽远  原来朋友的朋友 我们认识的

是地球真的太小吗? 好想去发掘它的另外一段是什么一回事呢

Thursday, April 26, 2012

透 . 心灵


會影響到你對很多事情的看法 ; 尤其是女孩子.

而人與人之間確實也有等級之別, 我們管不了別人的低級,
不顺眼于他人 是因为自己 修养还不够


到時當遇見低等的事物時, 你會發出會心一笑的聲音, 搖搖頭地露出笑容, 微笑看待那些事物,


而看到那些低等的琐事 也已經覺得微不足道, 嘴角会跟着上扬了.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


还是 一样 生活 
喜欢有计划的生活  迈入每一人生阶级

但我們每天的生活只侷限在一個小圈圈裡, 能學到的, 能感受到的, 能遭遇到的都有限
而隨著我們成長之後卻變成 欣賞懂得很多, 見識会很增廣
搁了好久的部落   回味下近日生活小事

依如往常 工作/课业/应酬

好坚强的  兰花  . 
枯掉的已枯掉 唯独只剩兰花 / 开张花篮里夺出来的


我的人生   就跟飞机好像很有缘

那里的 冬天 

花市 .  好啦我们很常忙里偷闲

早 / 午 / 晚 -  天气都很大差别

到地人都称他为 小蛮腰塔  . 好漂亮

好啦是去公干 .  一起


4/4 与男友度过的 拍拖2周年 

那晚  一起享用的烛光夜晚餐
Avanti Italian Cuisine.

打扮打扮 . 返回工作岗位 

既是朋友也是顾客 .  这一行都是这样

婚纱 / 婚礼 / 摄影 策划

偶尔 就是这样 一手包办 公司上上下下
正寻这一个我的 得利助手啊 -来来来

这趟 飞往新加坡

临时的决定  要事在身

欲望小城市 - Ion Orchard, Sg.

还是很喜欢 这座城市  .  繁华发展很成功的小国家

钱包减肥的好地方 . 哈哈

Marina Bay Sand

Waterfront MBS.

狮城 水上LV建筑

Louis Vuitton Singapore

建筑设计 都非常高贵华丽

热爱的  - Chanel 香奈儿

偶尔的放肆 给自己物质上的小享受

很女人味的 Christian Dio 

你负责拍  我负责笑
Singapore Art Museum


午夜 12am 在 Marina Bay 这边牵手 流浪 看景


忘了一提 .   狮城著名  老曾记 
除了Currypuff / 大鱼蛋也一样棒


喜欢文字 .  喜欢看书

这本更是我的最爱 . 
婚礼上的 色调 / 艺术 / 文采 都很棒

这家航空公司应该应该 很讨厌我们俩了啦
什么样的搭飞机招数 都使过 . 经验难得

这是我人生第一次 投入东马的怀抱

那里安居乐业  生活 很简单

 大头照 来结束我的长篇大论 :)