Wednesday, September 29, 2010


剛剛結束了 business and social-etiquette lesson.
一個人的 lunch time.
位於 oldtown.


從中 都有著不一樣的享受
人活著 不是就得 這樣嗎?
我喜歡不 我愛 :)

吖! 忘了值得一提的事 ...
幾個星期前 在 midvalley 逛街
在很偶然之下 遇見 我老姐.
Annie See ...
哈哈哈! 在人潮洶湧之下 咱們倆
大大聲 尖叫
不顧一切的 緊緊擁抱 起來.

大衛 站在一旁 很放聲的笑.
太久不見了我的老姐. wahh 真有緣
還是老樣子呀 我們無話不談 (:

約了 Peggie 媽, 吃火鍋去
又來稀哩嘩啦 gossip-gossip 又 gossip

遇見 老友鬼鬼 的 HC
我的死黨 : 做莫不管你讀書還是工作 都醬 enjoy 的?你不累?
hello. 朋友,我有 stress 的時候你不懂.

大衛 出國了
這家新公司 上半年的 bridal fair 裡接下來的 巴厘島 pre-wedding 攝影
這 年底的顧客可富有 拍攝婚紗照的景點 都要費一大筆出國
下一回公司 bridal fair 的選擇 可以不要去巴厘 不然選巴黎 好了?

剛剛看見他留下的筆記. 很窩心

我暫時 寂寞寂寞 就好.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

最近的最近 桃花運還不錯

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

my holiday. part 2

話說兩個禮拜 前,

搭飛機 一塊兒 飛向 期待已久的 島嶼去

這兩人抱著不歇的精神 遊山玩水 上山下海

這 黃色裙子已屬於我和夕陽的trade mark了.色澤一律相似

分秒必爭的拍攝下這一刻。補抓火燒雲 (黃昏很短暫啊)

日落前的餘暉是多麼的柔和溫暖... 無憂無慮的漫步著


我會再來 呀



還是對 娘惹們情有獨鍾
很愛很愛 娘惹們的 傳統 禮儀, 服飾, 甚至 食物 (:

天空火紅的日落竟是我的背景. 太榮幸了

更多照片於facebook的 latest album 裡頭. (:

Saturday, September 18, 2010

wedding city vs college student

明天 不知要帶著什麼樣的心情上班
有怎麼一個的打算 要當個 wedding planner.

帶著幸福人類們 走到另一個 人生階段
為新人們 策劃婚禮 美美的佈置 白白色嫁紗禮服...

但 卻在這時候被 兩位很不錯的 年輕老闆 挖掘
當個 小小 part time
開工 去.


大後天 ... 開課.
哦天! 我想念 college 非也 assignment.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

my holiday. part1

I have tons of time right now, so I better be updating again before I have no time at all.
shouldn't be so lazy and procrastinate by updating here. ;(
other than eat shit sleep at home. i'd felt so sick staying home.
btw i watched alot drama recent. wtf i felt so lifeless man.

And somehow, i was little dilemma between choosing work or not to work by having the 1month semester break.
i was bored shit when i'm home alone.
i'm officially broke. poooooor like a madshit people right now.
Try real hard searching for those part time job via online.
in other way, i did received a lot of calls from those employers as well toooo. yesh, it's alot.
salesgirl, promoter, freelance, telemarketer. etc.
but, i ignored. missed out all the working chance. sigh.

Was literally depressed and really upset with a certain problem between the parent lately. uhh... college might reopen at real soon in the middle month of September.

Ohhhh time flies ...

Would like upload a little photos to share here about some random holiday's outing with the love ones.

Public holiday. m'sia day.
woke up pretty late and straight then we off to Pavilion.
did some shopping and movie date.

Pavilion, KL.

camwhore all around like nobody business. lmao.

Wanted to eat this so badly. after tasted it.
ohh it is not what i expected. not really nice.
creepes roll with the ice-cream, chocolates, fresh creamy and banana.

Shimino japanese crepes. with a lot of diffrent flavour.
have a try as well. or u might like it?

While waiting for the movie start.
Love is Diguise.

camwhore ....

After all. chilling out to the hawker food stall.
Dinner was great, I'd say.
the tummy of us is like a 4gigabyte storage tank.
(seafood tomyum, bak-kut-teh, fried kuey teow in one shot.)

The merdeka eve. night out to the mall.
chilling and eating. Sunway's kaki. (:

Bling bling all around. but, i don't even saw a piece of m'sia flag.
wonder why this year was so poor. without any national day's surrounding feel in the town.

Enjoyed being a teen. l9ol!

teenager life. bwahahaha.
He is so gay. my lovely gay bf.

The way we shopping, with the cam. like noob lahhh.

This is the best part i would like to say. awww...
dessert time. i tell you i can fucken ate alot. LOL
4huge bowl for a couple. ohh superb.

yummilicious !

He can sense my camera. Smart. hahaha.
From right : aloevera taw-foo-fa . peanut paste.
: rice ball . juicy mango sagu milk.

clean and clear. yum yum yum ;D

Visiting at the Berjaya hill, Pahang. attended for an event.
nice place. nice view.

it's not really cold at all up there. sigh.

big smile lighten up a day. ily!

Climb all the way up err i mean walked up to the top of these tower.
photo for some.