Thursday, September 29, 2011


Sunday. it's a day to chilled also a day off to hang out to hunt for some goodies. 
didn't plan much before we have this. but, would be a nice place to chilled at.
pretty great atmosphere and nice place for a lovely day. 

Wondermilk @ Damansara Uptown

grab some foods/cupcakes for a bite . plenty of colourful choices you can choose there

awesome interior 

 i would rate 2.5/5 for my latte and the cupcakes that i picked.

 hot latte . hello milo cupcakes/very very chocolate/milky oreo

the very unusual stuff as the designed. 


the looked-so-not-good couple . us

an evening chilled with the bf and the fwens here . pretty sunshine 
and yeas a nice day for us :) 

Monday, September 26, 2011


@ Ikea Damansara

就是在我很累的时候 有杯咖啡突然 摆在我桌上
就是在我很无助的时候 朋友会偶尔慰问我几句
就是我好久好久没上载/更新部落的时候 你们会跑来问问 "ehh你干嘛没update?"
就是看见朋友的手机里竟然 有个 apps/icon/bookmark 是我的部落 link
就是看见人家的 iphone/laptop 既然有着我曾拍过的小照片.

这全都是我觉得值得感动的事 :)
这场雨下得很美 心情有开朗起来

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Light Up

 @ Krabi, Thai.

Like the stars hold the moon, just right there where they belong. everybody needs insipration and everybody needs a songs. A pretty melody hold my heart when the night are so long. Lattern festival is arriving hope that I wasn't busying.  carry on the prettiest gathering day with the friends or family, if i could / i wish too.

Wednesday, September 07, 2011


after a long locating at the island for the family vacations. yeas. back.
apparently you may thought that wow why am i always that free ; oh sorry.

shouldn't you know i always spent my quality time on my works like a hardcore too.

comfy bed shout at me : don't sleep until you finish all this
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