Saturday, January 21, 2012

Dream place


有你在 擁抱就能勇敢
有你在 平凡就不平凡
有你在 牽手就能取暖

好漂亮的 巴黎
那依旧是我最梦寐的 dream place

Thursday, January 19, 2012

My Blast Birthday

05 january 2012

appreciated those nice friends whose spent their precious moment with me in this special day of mine. thanks mom and dad brought me to the beautiful world. and yet, thank you my dear bf giving me an unforgetable blast birthday.  i'm officially 21. photos below may carried all words i used to describe as they symbolized everything in my day. happy birthday to my self. warmest birthday ever, i heartfelt and thanks to all of you.

Bf choose me this place for my birthday celebration. very romantic planned, heart it.

KL Lot10 Rooftop  .  Teeq Restaurant / Brasserie

celebration in advance

My B'day Dins.

which year of wine would you like to pick, madam?

me and my lovey dovey bf.
enjoyed extremely our dinner with KL stary night view and blingy klcc at my side.

they free Champagne for the birthday lady 

chocolate cake for this year from RT-pastry . may things all goes sweet forever
My 1st birthday cake of the year

I wished

Sweeeet preparation from the chef and the bf . thanks awesome staffs singing me loudly b'day song

enjoyed the KL stary night view .
 i would loves all the preparation from you. your are so dear to me.

. . .

Home sweet home, my birthday bash with my old friends, colleagues, families. 
They are my huge sugar pie. Love you'all! *Hugs*

little footproof for my 21st . parts of decorate items in home birthday bash
appreciate all the little while from my parents :)

Birthdayyyyy Giftss  

 Thankiuuuu all of  YOU

Thanks . and I'm officially Twentyone
I'd wish a very goood year ahead!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

21岁 • 语录

但每一个人在每一个年龄阶段 都会有属于   自己的那一片天空
想想我的 二 十 一 岁 或许 有很多可以记载的地方
很难说 或许十年后的 哪天哪天 我变一个大肥婆 / 欧巴桑 的

所以嘛     女人的二十出头很珍贵.
在这个年龄里, 女人   有的是一生里最有魅力的青春 ;珍惜生命啊

我个人有双很爱趴趴走的  这双脚.

这张嘴巴很甜, 偶尔还真的  能把死的都讲翻生的.
真的是有人曾经真么说的    哈哈

晓得洗衣 下厨 做手工 的这双巧手

眼睛乃是心灵之窗 .  也是一个人的见识
 我见过的看透的  可能比我一般年龄的人 会来得多一点

路  是人走出来
一双好的鞋 它 可带你 走遍更远的路途
一个会选美丽鞋子的女人 那往往可以展现出   她最绮丽的一面   

还是很喜欢我飞舞的长发.    挺有女人味

用心去对待  每一个 人 / 事 / 物

有一股憧憬       十年后的自己还会是如何? 
为 我的 21岁 加油!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012



Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Be Thankful

As I was planning out  my 2012 I would wish to take some time to reflect back on my 2011.
Looking back in 2011, I was proud to says that, things were all goes good. extremly better than my expectation. In this year, I probably glad that I've been totally explore so much that I'd never thought before. I'm glad that the seniors around were all good and all time helpful friends whom giving us a guide path.

Also, it's a very good year to me and my families & bf.  Flashed back, my sweet20 it was so differently than others and it takes me so passionate to learnt the every single things / to understand more people in various field. Things comes and goes. Wishing my 2012 a good year ahead!  Best health best wealth, haha!

Besides, we need to plan for our goals. if you fail to plan, you are simply planning to be fail. have a blast year on your 2012, peeps. I'm a thankful girl tonight.  I'm blessed for all good things comes to me, the bad ones which is totally brought me up! Face to the bright side as always, live's good life's good. Cheers.