Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Life is gone with just a spin of the wheel. it's june now.

The wishlists of mine for the first half of this year of is almost 7788 sucessfully, happily done.
i wished for what i want. great satisfied with what i've demand. very good. (:

The continue half year more from now on and i'm going to says byebye to my teenager life's. bye bye my nineteen.
i'd work real hard for now. i want a better life in future. It's not how many years are in your life, it's how much lifetime is in those years.

You will not know about my stress time yo peoples. (:

anyway. i'm still alive! i don't waste time thou i'm still freaking young. go go ahead for dreams.

the past is behind learn from it
the future is ahead prepare for it
the present is here please, live it.

For every minute you are wasting emoshit, you lose the 60seconds of great happiness.
Avoid being stupidity. chaos.

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