Thursday, December 25, 2008

X'mas Eve ...

Merry X'mas everyone!
enjoy well the great time with @ da great season.
i spoiled da Penang trip.
aihhh. and i cried.. 2more days i will be not at KL here anymore..

NS sucksss! owwww ... i hate it man.
and u guys will not see me for 12weeks. and i think i will be suffer nicely at da stupid nasional service! owww. cham!
i appreciated much da moment when with u.

thx babe for accompany those day.
i feel so warmful, my babe. heheee ... i had break his Penang planned but he couldn't put da blame on me. hmmm. i cried agn. thx.
while, today he had brought me to da jusco and pick up bought those daily needed thinggy for my NS camp. thx so muchh dear...
i felt so sorrrrie that i've spoil his planned.. T.T

back to da topic..
Christmas eve.
chilled out with my babe-man aka my bf at Modestos.

it is such a cool place for me ... environment not bad. sound system was awesome. drinks was like so-so lahh. heheee... so far not bad thou.. enjoyed da every moment with my babe...
thx ... Merry Christmas, dear!

babe promised bring me to breakfast and off to Genting Highland for a walk later...
Merry Christmas 2008!


25th dec 2008 .

jingle bell jingle bell ..... jingle all da way...

Merry Christmas !
Lovely Christmas with da loving bf at da loveyy Genting
was a vy vy cold day ...
its feels like really enjoying da winter time. owww .. fun X'mas...
beautiful day

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