Friday, August 22, 2008

out of mood !

the besties.
i am da right side one's..

ee yeap ...
i went these place when i was freaking

mood bad. moody. moodless!

i doesnt have a gud mood recently.
i hate my life rite now.
hahaa? i'm jx prentending to be happie!
well, i jx know to hide everytin.
f*ck it. urgghh...
depressed. hmmm.

hahaa wehh, i jx cannot drunk ~!

high heel jx so sux k. =P
opss =X
my pic owes look so qi sin.. right? ^^
- da ladiess -
warmful enuf, sweating. lols
i ain't a clubber lah.
spot da mirror behind.

oh~ ladies..
yeap, myself. me. i. she. her.
my fake smile k!
the unhappie days .....
jx so heart my curly wavey hair
hate me dislike me.. fuck off pls !
don't cha stick togete with me k..

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