Sunday, September 21, 2008

.... hye hye you youuu ...

Dearest friends ,

i'm currently switch back to my maxis num.

while both DiGi line n Maxis i am still using. try not to delete my fon number kayy...

pm me as well to get my maxis number ..

some random pic i took it just now ...
ahahaaaaa. such a SOHEM wehhh ....

phewww . . .

sunway . dinner . movie . babylon . bored movie man . eggtarts . sms-ed awei . oldtown . supper . hw called . clubb poppy . chill out . yumcha . mocha white coffee . fulled . can't sleep . teehehee . msn . online . surf-ing da net . researched . blogging . lack of sleep . omg . nervous . tuesday economy test =X .

T o m o r r o w - S U N D A Y

i am wondering whether choose to
* jogging or swimming ? *

hye, it's late. and imma tired man ~

my bedtime ...
goodnites!! mwahss.

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