Monday, September 29, 2008

pretty boy .

can u feel my life ....

there'll be time whenever u sat down alone and to think about ur life ,
it never stop suprising.
life was just like a piece of plain paper, u should paint it with colour ...
but do rmbr, don't overdo it .

i was busy for those day. n sorry for my late updated.
unfeeling well for these few day.. lack of sleep
ee yeap, imma in holidayssss now. =)
afte raya holis then will be my exam. exam.. exam......
grrRR..... headache.

课本 . 小说 .... 傻傻分不清楚 .

玩乐 . 上课 ..... 傻傻分不清楚 .

hye guys ... click @ the url below please
and ... look at the video. awesome ~

so " lum " lahhh wehhhhhhhhhh ........

i'm jealous sial ~

男人 女人 求婚方式
还有 杜德伟 突然间出现 还唱着 [嫁给我]
还有 还有 那个男的送鲜花
还有 还有 还有 那个男的还在大庭广众跟她 表白
是感动到 ~

浪漫到 ~
那男的 也是蛮有 心思两下的。。。
three months de guy planned for this kayy ...
aiye ..... damn it touching lah.
and it was like so so romantic. maybe dramatic ?!
check it out. >>

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